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Find leads who truly need you.

Find leads who truly need you.

Find leads who truly need you.

Find leads who truly need you.

Catch ready-to-buy prospects at the right time, with AI monitoring custom signals you care about

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Capture custom buying signals.
Don't be limited by fixed filters

Hiring software engineers for building internal tools

Job Description

Building a GenAI product in construction industry


Hiring Account Payable roles with experience in QuickBooks or SAP

Tech Stack

Recently faced data breaches or cybersecurity attacks.


HR initiatives around improving employee satisfaction

10-K filing

+ Watch other signals

Custom Data Source

Fine-grained ICP + Buying signals

Find who is ready to buy, with custom buying signal and fine-grained ICP filters across 10+ data sources and 70M+ companies

Fine-grained ICP + Buying signals

Find who is ready to buy, with custom buying signal and fine-grained ICP filters across 10+ data sources and 70M+ companies

Fine-grained ICP + Buying signals

Find who is ready to buy, with custom buying signal and fine-grained ICP filters across 10+ data sources and 70M+ companies

Fine-grained ICP + Buying signals

Find who is ready to buy, with custom buying signal and fine-grained ICP filters across 10+ data sources and 70M+ companies

Job Postings

Company Webpages

Company News

10-K Reports

SOC-2 Compliance

LinkedIn Posts

Glassdoor Reviews

Fundraising Records

Find companies using Kubernetes AND hiring "infrastructure engineers" AND fits my ICP

Checking 158,743 job openings from 30,000 companies in your ICP

Analyzing "Infrastructure Engineers" jobs

Found 893 companies using Kubernetes, as indicated by the required skills in the job description [links]

Sound relevant and personalized

Always know why they need help without hours of manual research, and cut through the noise scalably.

Sound relevant and personalized

Always know why they need help without hours of manual research, and cut through the noise scalably.

Sound relevant and personalized

Always know why they need help without hours of manual research, and cut through the noise scalably.

Sound relevant and personalized

Always know why they need help without hours of manual research, and cut through the noise scalably.

Hiring SDR responsible for account research to identify new opportunities

Job Responsibility

Hiring SDR responsible for account research to identify new opportunities

Job Responsibility

Hiring SDR responsible for account research to identify new opportunities

Job Responsibility

Hiring SDR responsible for account research to identify new opportunities

Job Responsibility

The Director of Sales Development just started 2 months ago

New Hire

The Director of Sales Development just started 2 months ago

New Hire

The Director of Sales Development just started 2 months ago

New Hire

The Director of Sales Development just started 2 months ago

New Hire

Tony - Saw you're hiring SDRs to "research accounts to identify opportunity."

Totally agree with the focus on targeting - it's all about finding companies that need you at the right time.

We track custom buying signals with AI, giving your SDR the perfect leads every morning without hours of research. Can I share how?

PS. Hope the first couple of months have been a rocking experience!

What our customers say

Allison Cunningham

Formerly Senior SDR @ Instawork

"Coldreach found me the best accounts with hiring signals! I had the 2nd most qualified demos completed in our org (100+ reps), while making almost the least number of calls, because I went after the right accounts and knew exactly what to say."

Matt Reubendale

VP of Growth @ Justifi

“We’re saving 40 hours/week on account research with Coldreach. It’s like having an extra member on the team to always identify the best accounts to go after.”

Joel Alexander

CEO @ Parea AI

“Good personalization used to take 20 mins/prospect, but with Coldreach’s research and drafting AI agents, we’ve cut that down to 2-4 mins. Our reply rate has doubled to 30%, saving us hours and improving our pipeline.”

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© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Coldreach Inc.

Start finding leads that need you today

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© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Coldreach Inc.

Start finding leads that need you today

Get a demo

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Coldreach Inc.

Start finding leads that need you today

Get a demo

© Copyright 2024, All Rights Reserved by Coldreach Inc.

Capture custom buying signals.
Don't be limited by fixed filters

Hiring software engineers for “building internal tools”

Job Description

Building a GenAI product in construction industry


Hiring Account Payable roles with experience in QuickBooks or SAP

Tech Stack

Recently faced data breaches or cybersecurity attacks.


HR initiatives around improving employee satisfaction

10-K filing

+ Watch other signals

Custom Data Source